Thursday 7 August 2014

£5 million Buxton’s redevelopment receives planning green light

RHP’s plans for the redevelopment of the former Buxton’s site on Ditchling Road received approval from Brighton and Hove City Council last night.

The motion was carried by 10 votes to 2 and will give the site (which has been derelict for over 8 years) a dramatic new facelift with a new four storey building for Kings Colleges, a language college offering GCSE, A Level and pre-university preparation to foreign students. The plans allow for a mixed use scheme accommodating a new combined college facility and student halls of residence and help to further animate the street scene along Ditchling Road.

RHP’s designs have taken care to preserve and conserve the prevailing characteristics of the local area, adding a further boost to the regeneration of the London Road and Lewes Road corridors, whilst creating an exciting new site for Kings Colleges’ newest UK outpost.