Thursday 14 October 2010

CFCI : Cambridgeshire BSF Talk

Congratulations to Kevin Myers, RHP, and all those involved in Monday evenings talk held by the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry (CFCI) at Clare College.

The talks outlined the current progress of the Cambridgeshire BSF Programme and the work of the successful Equitex led team, including presentations by RHP and Make Architects who have designed the two sample schools - Neale Wade Community College and Thomas Clarkson, both of which have now started on site.

Neale Wade : Flythrough, download time approx 35secs

RHP have been working with the staff and pupils at Neale Wade over the last two years to help them realise their dreams and create a vision for a new school.  Our works include the refurbishment/refreshing of approx 50% of the existing buildings and replacing 50% of the buildings to create a new entrance, LRC, cafe and teaching clusters.

For up-to-date project updates, visit the schools project blog:
Follow link below to see more....