Wednesday 24 August 2011

Earthship : Open Eco House

The Earthship in Brighton, was constructed in 2007 by the Low Carbon Trust with the help of RHP utilising recycled and waste materials.  The Earthship concept was developed in the USA by Mike Reynolds and provides a blueprint for constructing self-sufficient off-grid buildings utilising passive solar design principals, and incorporating grey water recycling, PV's, solar thermal panels and a wind turbine for on site power generation.

The Earthship, Stanmer Park, Brighton is taking part in this years Eco Open House (8-11 Sept 2011), for more details use the link below:

For more details on the concept of the Earthship, use the link below:

 For more images follow the link below...

Glass Bottle Wall - Building is Thirsty Work!

Tyre Wall Under Construction