Wednesday 24 August 2011

Earthship : Open Eco House

The Earthship in Brighton, was constructed in 2007 by the Low Carbon Trust with the help of RHP utilising recycled and waste materials.  The Earthship concept was developed in the USA by Mike Reynolds and provides a blueprint for constructing self-sufficient off-grid buildings utilising passive solar design principals, and incorporating grey water recycling, PV's, solar thermal panels and a wind turbine for on site power generation.

The Earthship, Stanmer Park, Brighton is taking part in this years Eco Open House (8-11 Sept 2011), for more details use the link below:

For more details on the concept of the Earthship, use the link below:

 For more images follow the link below...

RHP are 'Secret Garden' Architects

Wrest Park has been described as Britains 'secret garden', RHP are proud to have been involved in the restoration of some of the key elements of the site over ten years, including the Archer Pavilion.  We have recently completed the new visitors centre and wish to congratulate all of those involved in helping unlock this secret garden and let people enjoy its doubtless charm.  For more information on the gardens and the project please follow the links below.

BBC video:

The Guardian 2 August 2011:

Wrest Park Archer Pavilion

The BASE : BREEAM Excellent

The BASE in Dartford is now fully open, well done to all those involved. 

The BASE provides over 30,000sq ft of affordable office, studio and workshop space for small businesses, and is strategically located at the heart of Dartford Town Centre as part of the regeneration of the towns northern gateway.  This scheme has been developed for Basepoint, SEEDA and HCA.

All images Copyright Nebulo Strata and Basepoint

For more images follow the link below....

Friday 19 August 2011

SPring into Action

The new gymnasium at the Sportspark at UEA is being handed over next week.  This £1.5m community facility has been constructed using a KLH timber panel structure.

Monday 15 August 2011

Cambridgeshire BSF Update

Phase 1 of the redevelopment of Neale Wade Community College, March, is rapidly nearing completion, and we have now helped secure planning permission and financial closure on works at Cromwell Community College, Chatteris, & Sir Harry Smith Community College, Whittlesey.

The new main street taking shape

For more photographs and a project update on Neale Wade please use the link to the college blog below:

Wrest Park : Open for Business

RHP have been working at Wrest Park for English Heritage for many years, we're delighted to have been part of the team who have helped in the transformation of the gardens and in the creation of the new visitor facilities.

For more information on the house, gardens and facilities click on the link below:

New Visitor Centre

Follow link below to see more....